A Message from the Northern New England Poison Center

Did you know your local poison center can help you stay safe?

The Northern New England Poison Center is here to help every day.

  • We can help you with questions about your medications, cleaning products, pesticides, plants, cosmetics, food safety, and other poison-related concerns.
  • We are available 24/7. Calls are free and confidential.
  • Your call will be answered right away by a specially trained nurse or pharmacist.
  • The NNEPC is located at Maine Medical Center in Portland and serves Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

Do you have questions about your medications?

Many of us take prescription or over-the-counter medications at one time or another. Some of us take several medications and may have to take them several times during the day. This can sometimes cause confusion and lead to medication mix-ups. 

Have you or someone you know ever accidentally: 

  • Taken the wrong medication or someone else’s medication?
  • Taken an extra dose of your own medication?
  • Taken medication doses too close together?

    Do you have questions about:
  • Side effects from your medications?
  • Possible interactions between your medications?
  • Expired medications?

These are questions the specially trained staff at the poison center answer daily. Call us at 1-800-222-1222 any time, day or night.

Here are a few tips for preventing medication mix-ups and other medication poisonings:

  • Keep medications in their original containers or in a child-resistant pill reminder box.
  • Keep your medications out of reach of children and pets.
  • Read the instructions on the medication label or from your doctor each time you take a medication.
  • Keep a current list of your medications and review it with your doctors at each visit.
  • Call the poison center if you need help identifying your medications or understanding the medication label.

Are you cleaning more frequently during the coronavirus pandemic?

The poison center has been getting more and more calls about accidental cleaning product poisonings during the pandemic. We are here to help if you accidentally swallow a cleaning product, get it in your eyes, or get it on your skin.

Here are some tips for safe cleaning:

  • Read the directions on the cleaning product label before using it.
  • Use one cleaner at a time—do not mix cleaning products. 
  • Open windows and doors to have plenty of ventilation while cleaning.
  • If you feel dizzy, lightheaded, start coughing or have shortness of breath while cleaning, immediately leave the area and get fresh air.
  • Keep cleaning products away from food and drink. Store cleaners up high, out of reach of children and pets.

Don’t hesitate to call the poison center

Medication errors and cleaning mishaps are just two of the situations in which the poison center can help you. Remember that many products that are normally safe can become a problem if someone uses one in the wrong way or accidentally swallows some, gets some in their eyes, or gets some on their skin. 

Whether your question is related to foodborne illness, pesticides, plants, cosmetics, personal care products, or another potential poison, we are here to help. Just call 1-800-222-1222, chat online at nnepc.org or text POISON to 85511 for immediate help from one of our poison specialists. Feel free to contact us for a free refrigerator magnet, pill reminder box, or informational materials, as well.